In order to gamble, you need one thing: Money. And whoopidy do, guess who hit the ATM on her way to the track? It was fate, and my crisp $20 was burning a hole in my pocket. Step one: obtain cash. Check! Step two: choose horses.
Now when choosing the horses you'd like to bet on, you should always use a very scientific method. Weigh the odds, study their record, trace their lineage. Or you could just bet on the horses with the coolest names. This is called the point-and-peck method of betting. I'm not saying it's 100% successful, but it sure beats putting good money down on a horse called "Ed" with 3/1 odds.
Step three: place bet. "$10 on Flaming Devil Pitchfork to place, $10 on My Crazy Ex Wife to win please." 15/1 and 12/1 odds respectively. I'm feeling lucky!
Starting gun. And they're off! I'm yelling, jumping up and down, GO NUMBER 7! RUN YOU SLOW B@STARD NUMBER 2! HERE THEY COME! NUMBER 7 IS MAKING A BREAK FOR IT! I'M GONNA BE RICH! I'M GONNA BE…
Where the holy HELL did number 8 come from?! Get outta there number 8! Who the hell is this ringer number 8? I don't even see #2 or #7 in this blur of silks. Wait! They're crossing the line and it looks like…
"Number 8 wins, followed by…"
Step 4: Check race results to see just who this Mario Andretti-ridden #8 is…
8th race - Del Mar - July 22, 2005
Winning Time: 1:04.54
Horse:Our Father
This is God telling me I should spend more time praying and less time playing the horses.