I am really nervous for my race. I have been training for a couple of months now, but just cannot seem to mentally break the 7-mile mark. Which is going to be a problem considering this thing is double that. And something has been going on with my right leg every time I hit the trails, namely a searing pain ripping across the outside of my knee making me limp for a full 24 hours after each excursion.
Maybe I am just a hypochondriac…or an ibuprofen junkie.
But I am still nervous.
Nerves are a pretty standard part of my pre-race regimen. At my first triathlon, I thought I would throw up just waiting for the start gun to go off. However every race thereafter was pretty routine. So this time, in order to qwell the building nausea, I started researching just what I am getting into. I clicked onto the race Web site and thoroughly studied the route map. I read up on the race day instructions, where to get dropped off, where all the water stations and (more importantly) the first aid tents are located. How long I have to make it across the finish line. Where to pick up my official finisher’s medal…
Finisher’s MEDAL?!
Suddenly my knee doesn’t hurt. There is a spring to my step. I am visiting local running stores on my lunch break and buying the latest in sweat wicking technology. I will earn this medal! I will hang this medal from my rearview mirror with pride! I will run another day!
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