Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Stand Up Comedy

Dear Miss Manners,

I just don't get it. I offer to take this girl out to a nice dinner last Saturday, and she sounds pretty excited. So come Saturday, I sit on my couch for 5 hours waiting for her to call me. Finally, I give up and go out drinking with my buddies. At 1:30 a.m. I figure, "What the hell, I'll call HER!" She doesn't like that very much, so to get her to stop yelling I tell her I'll make it up to her over dinner on Sunday. Well, as you may imagine, I am pretty hungover on Sunday, so I don't exactly get around to calling her. But boy by Tuesday, I'm ready to hit the town, so I shoot her a casual text message asking if she wants to come. She still hasn't called. What gives?


Told Her I'd Try Harder

Dear Harder,

I would say that "trying harder" would involve more than a text message a full two days after the time when you were supposed to pick up said date. Stand her up once, and she'll forgive you. Stand her up twice, and you're just an asshole.

Try A LOT harder,

Miss Manners

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Miss Manners,

Be patient with "Harder". He's just a guy trying to have it ll in a world that confuses and stupifies him. He really intended to take the blond girl out but he was distracted. Like Napoleon when he said "We invade Russia tomorrow!" and then said "Hey, there's a butterfly.... let's see where it goes!" . Sometimes the young woman must help him focus.... by strapping two six foot 2 x 6's to his head with duct tape and leaving gim in a four foot wide hallway. Some guys just need direction.

Tell your reader to keep her chin up. Mr. Wonderful is just around the corner. With boards on his head.

