Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Lady In Waiting

Just be the bigger person. Just pick up the phone. Just do it for you, if not for…

My cell phone is made of Kryptonite. Every 30 seconds when I long to flip it open to make sure it is still in its fully functional capacity (because it MUST be broken if it’s not ringing yet, right?) I just pretend it will melt my hand if I touch it.


And yes, I might be checking my e-mail at least 3 times every hour, but I refuse to click the ‘compose’ tab because that just equals me reaching out. Being the Bigger Person. Searching cyberspace for an answer that should be coming from you.

I define the Bigger Person as ‘She who is blue in the face with indignation.’ Stubborn as a horse lead to the water, you cannot make me drink.

I will be the smaller person. The person living in a cocoon of silence, quietly plotting all the lines I will throw at you when you finally come around. I am strong. I am stealthy. I am lying in wait.

RING dammit!

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